Monday, April 2, 2007

True High Performance Propellers

True High Performance Aluminum and Stainless Steel Boat Props from Turning Point. But what makes a boat propeller High Performance? The secret is in the blade design. Turning Point Propellers uses a sophisticated, scientific method in its designs. Variables such as rake, pitch progression, cupping, blade area and blade thickness of the blades all come into play. If a propeller is tuned correctly taking into account these variables, it will dramatically increase the overall performance.

But how can these marine propellers perform better than OEM props if they design them for their motors? It's relatively easy. Turning Point tests the performance of all boat props and makes sure that they run better than OEM and aftermarket props. Of course a Turning Point may not run the fastest on every boat, but to say it is the fastest 9 times of 10 is fair. Turning Point designs its aluminum and stainless steel boat propellers to not only run fast, but also provide superior handling on sharp turns at high speeds. Once you get your new Turning Point prop, give it a good strong test, and you'll see and feel the difference.

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